Friday, October 3, 2014


Changes, that's what I'm all about right now. I have found that I need some change or I may go crazy! I decided to start with little changes, maybe work up to bigger ones later on.

My life right now goes like this: wake up at 5 am, get ready for work, work 11 hrs, cook supper for the family, clean up, complete classwork (completing my bachelor's degree-graduate mid-year 2015), and go to bed around 8:30 pm. Saturdays I will usually go find a yard sale (or several haha!), take a nap, and clean or reorganize. Sundays are days for cleaning, laundry, and classwork. The one thing I refuse to give up on Sundays is my mid-day 2 hour nap. I love my naps. I used to love sleeping in, but now I'm up by 6 even if I stay up late...ugh!

In thinking I needed more in my life that would make me happy, I knew where I needed to start. This uncomfortable feeling with my body. I am in the worst shape of my life! I don't know what happened, if it was the change in my working lifestyle or if it is because I got into a long-term relationship and just haven't been paying attention to myself...haha! Ok, I thought I could try those excuses, but nope, honestly I know it is me just being too busy with other stuff and when I do get down time, I want it to be actual downtime because I'm just so damned tired by the end of the day! But, I know that has to change, I have to push myself...oh great, another thing I have to convince myself to do...this ought to be fun. (rolls her eyes) But, I can do this!

So here, let me scare you...
BOO!!! Ok, I was going to upload a photo, but I just can't do it *Cringe!* Let me just give you my stats and call it a day: I'm 4'11" and I weigh 110 lbs. I'm not obese or even overweight, I'm just out of shape. I know I don't need to lose weight (and honestly nothing bothers me more than people telling me there's no need for me to exercise just because I'm "so tiny." seriously?!) but I also know that I need to get in better shape. I'm 38 and will be 39 in a few months. I am uncomfortable in my own body (which is the first clue that things have got to change!!!) and I feel lazy with no energy. I know I use a lot of energy with the job I do, but it is not the same. I just know that things have got to change.

So, my first changes will be in exercise and eating. I will eat better (because I'm one of those who stop eating about 10 more bites after my body is screaming to tell me to stop!), start drinking more water (I'm a "coffee in hand" all day kind of woman), and I will start exercising. I can't run because my knees give me hell, but I can run and I will sprint from time to time.

I'm starting this today. I'll check back in with myself with my measurements after 30 days and see if anything has changed. Then I'll re-evaluate and carry on or come up with a new way to change things up.

As for now, that is the only changes I will be making. I want to read more, but my eyes are so darn tired after reading textbooks for school. I don't know what other changes I will be making, but I'm working on a list.

And anyone who says "why don't you wait until the 1st of the year..." Well, I don't do new year resolutions because change is needed when it is needed, not when the calendar says so. ;)

So, that's the beginning....

The beginning...

So it seems that I can't find my other blog, ugh! That's what happens when you walk away for too long huh? It's ok, I'll miss my name and my site, but changes are all what I'm about right now, so why not add one more?
So, I'll start this blog off...